
Sunday, March 18, 2012

hive 2 march blocks

I had two different ideas of trees I wanted to do for my trees. I really enjoy the look of geometric faceted shapes working together to form pictures. my yellow trees were loosely based off a drawing I did when I wanted to make a tree block for Sonny's hive. the 'leaves' were supposed to be loose hexagons fitted together, but when I started 'drawing' with my machine, the block decide what it was going to look like. It's kinda crazy, but the process was fun, and there's always new parts to look at when one comes back to it.
My second geometric tree was about sewing triangles together to form crystal shapes. It was hard to balance two different solids together, and I like how it almost swirls out to make a tree top. It's a tree of it's own, for sure. It seemed lonely by itself, so I gave it a geometric turtle to hang out  with it.  I hope it works out for the quilt. Thanks for the opportunity!


  1. Love your very unique trees,especially the geometric one!

  2. Those are very cool. I like your leaves or bugs or stars (whatever they are!) on the above block.

  3. These are so cool. I love the turtle in the first one, but the second trees are really cool, too. I like how you stitched the wood grains in the trunk-- really clever. Thanks!!


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