
Friday, February 10, 2012

Hive #1: a pineapple affair

This was a nice little block to make: a design new to me, and I could pull the fabrics easily.
Except I probably should have paid more attention near the end...first attempt:

...yes, next time know when to stop adding black.
But easy to fix! Though I'm not sure why some of the corners are so filled :S
and off to Samantha they will go!


  1. That's great.... I'm half way through my first block - ran out of black, and now it's on order! These are an interesting design to make though, and I think could become a little addictive! x

  2. Ooh, it looks amazing. Are those ants? I love all your fabric choices.

  3. I love that one too! It does look like ants! I can't wait to get a few more of these so I can start laying them out so I can take a picture.

    Thank you so much!


  4. They are indeed ants! Little black ants next to gumflower (eucalyptus) fabric, for an appropriately Australian feel...glad you like it!


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