
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hive #1 Blocks Recieved so far!

Got two more little squishies in the mail today so I thought I'd post a pic of what I've recieved so far.

Sara, Sunni, Colby, Julie and my blocks.  The ones off to the right are from Colby.  I drew out the idea I have for the odd sized blocks this morning and I am pretty sure I might be a genius... ;)  Okay maybe not, but I do have a bright idea once in a while!

Can you envision it yet?  I can!  I am so excited to get a few more of these in the mail so I can start the putting it all together process.


  1. I'm glad my second one makes the size cut! I hope it works!

  2. These are looking so great! The light strips on my block stand out like a sore thumb! Sorry! ;)

  3. These look great. I will be working on my for you this weekend. Hope to have it in the mail on Monday.

  4. these are going to be fun when put together in a quilt. Mine are on route! x

  5. The middle of mine with the light fabric sticks out too. Sorry!

  6. They look awesome! Sorry life happened and I didn't get mine in the mail yet :( Dropping them off at the post office tomorrow after work tho.


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